Vitamin pills? Really?

When our children were small, they didn't get vitamin peels from me. Instead, I emphasized the importance of healthy and nutritious food.
There is still something in it.

However, nowadays I give our living children pots of vitamin pills (and minerals) as birthday gifts and as "in between presents". Even guests are offered supplements during our meals if they are interested.

My children sometimes look at me with great questions ... and I understand them.

Nowadays I am aware that in the last 50 years the amount of vitamin C in potatoes has decreased by 1% every year. Now the potato contains only 50% of the vitamin C compared to when I was young. That means that today I have to eat twice as many potatoes to get enough vitamin C through this crop.

I also know that the amount of vitamin C in Broccoli has decreased by 90% in the last 10 years. What was a matter of course nutritious food is no longer. Our food must be quickly produced on a soil that is becoming poorer and has less biodiversity. This has consequences for the nutritional value of our crops (vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts). What the crops do not get through the bottom they cannot pass on to us either. Although fruit and vegetables nowadays look nicer than ever before, they are often sprayed so that they look tasty.

What about the content?

Where I used to be reluctant about the use of supplements, I now see its importance. Especially if you do not have a vegetable garden or have no access to biodynamic farmers for fresh fruit and vegetables. Supplements can help to supplement what we don't get through our diet.

In the event of illness, complaints, inflammation, and athletes and hard -working people, more addition is needed. Where hard work is being done, extra support is necessary. In the event of illness we need more than with health.

Supplements should not be seen as a replacement of food, but rather as a supplement.

More and more often I see a connection between diseases and a lack of essential nutrients.

The body has the possibility to restore itself when it is offered the right diet. The body is miraculously put together.


“The human body requires approximately 40 different micronutrients for normal metabolic function. Maximizing nutrient density should be the primary goal of our diet, because deficiencies in any of these essential nutrients can contribute to the development of chronic diseases and even shorten our lifespan. ” (Chris Kresser)

What Is Nutrient Density and Why Is It Important? | Chris Kresser