Tarieven & Consulten

Consultation Informative/follow-up

“I am curious about the connection between my complaints and hormones“

  • You have questions about your hormones
  • You want to investigate if a hormone trajectory is something for you
  • Or you want a consultation in addition to an earlier process
  • Consultation physically or online (50 min.)

Hormone tract

“I would like to have my hormones tested to find out if and how they relate to my symptoms”

  • You would like to do a hormone test with six hormones
  • Incl. laboratory expenses
  • Questionnaire (online version)
  • Personal step-by-step plan
  • 3 x Consulten (60/30/30min.)

Repeat a test

“I have been working on my complaints. I feel the difference but I also wonder how my hormones are doing now“

  • You want to repeat the hormone test (Biovis or Verisana)
  • Questionnaire (an online but shortened version)
  • Personal advice about the result
  • One-time consultation (50 min.)

Body scan

“I would like to do an easy body-check to see if I have a vitamin or mineral deficiency”

  • A body scan using Vitalizer
  • Hear if you have nutrient deficiencies
  • Instant answer; advice during consultation

Quick question

“I have a short question and would like a quick answer so I can continue”

  • For questions that come along
  • Looking for a specific answer
  • Ask your question by email (15 min.)

Lecture or seminar

“Invite us for an informative meeting on hormonal topics”

  • With friends, colleagues or strangers
  • Choose from a range of topics
  • For both puberty and menopause
  • Also specific men's evenings


The hormone test (€ 140) is not reimbursed by health insurers.

Only individual and curative therapy is (partially) reimbursed from a supplementary insurance. Consult the list of health insurers For current information.

3.5/5 (51 Reviews)