
In my world, the body is able to recover when we help it in the right direction.”

(Jane Borlev)

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Our body contains more than 100 hormones, each with a specific function.

A disturbed balance, where too much or too little of a hormone is produced, results in a hormonal imbalance. This can lead to both physical and psychological complaints. Restoring balance between hormones promotes health and can make symptoms disappear.

It is relatively new to consider hormones as a key to recovery. Often many complaints and diseases are not immediately identified as hormonal, even though the role and influence of hormones are crucial for our health and well-being. Without hormones, our existence would not even be possible.

A hormonal imbalance can manifest itself in inner restlessness, lack of energy, reduced patience or disturbed sleep. The list of hormonal complaints is long.

Hormones act as messengers that tell cells what to do, whether stimulating or inhibiting processes. Proper functioning of hormones is therefore essential for transmitting the right signals.

Although hormones are often associated with women's monthly cycles, this covers only a small spectrum.

Hormones play a crucial role for both men and women.

Both sexes have the same types of hormones, the amount of which determines whether one exhibits more feminine or masculine characteristics.

The body gives signals about the hormone balance, such as troubled skin, sleeping problems or hair loss.

Men have other important hormones besides testosterone. Testosterone remains a crucial hormone that influences libido, decisiveness, self-confidence, muscle mass and orientation. The same applies to women, of course, although they generally have less testosterone than men.

Our contemporary world is full of hormone disruptors, found in skin care products and sprayed foods. It is therefore not surprising that our hormones become out of balance.

Fortunately, there are several approaches that can help balance your hormones. Find out whether your complaints are related to hormonal imbalance.

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