Lemon - start your day healthy

Want to participate in a challenge?

It's quite easy and very good for your body!

Start your day like this:

Squeeze the juice of ¼ or ½ lemon (preferably organic) in a mug. Alternatively, you can use 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Fill the mug with lukewarm water (a mix of ½ part boiled water and ½ cold water).

Drink this on an empty stomach in the morning. If lemon or apple cider vinegar is not your preference, a glass of lukewarm water can also be beneficial.

Why would you do this?

Your liver will thank you for it. This important organ has been working all night and you can thank it by giving it lemon water – something sour.

You should not underestimate your liver. It is a miraculous organ.

It acts as a factory in which various processes take place, such as cleaning, storage, sorting and excretion. Imagine what would happen if this factory were not there, or if it operated on a limited basis. It would cause chaos in our body.

As far as we know, the liver is the only organ that can regenerate, even if a piece is missing. It has the ability to grow a new piece. That's impressive, isn't it?

Lemon juice also has benefits for stiff joints (rheumatic complaints) and inflammation in the body. It protects against oxidative stress and supports hormone balance, because the liver plays a crucial role in our hormones.

So, it's a simple challenge with significant impact.

A useful tip:

Squeeze the juice from several lemons and store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator. This way you have a supply for several days.

NB: Never store the juice in plastic, because lemon juice can dissolve plastic.